Don Herbison-Evans
Christine Ashe

(updated 3 September 2009)

link to:-
Flowers in Australia


Anigozanthos flavidus
‘Big Red’ Kangaroo Paw
Wyee, November 2006



Anigozanthos humilis
Cats Paw
Western Australia, October 2007



Anigozanthos manglesii
Kangaroo Paw
Perth, October 2007



Anigozanthos pulcherrimus
Golden Kangaroo Paw
Wyee, December 2006



Anigozanthos rufa
Red Kangaroo Paw
Melbourne, December 2007
specimen: courtesy of Sara Miranda



Anigozanthos viridis
Green Kangaroo Paw
Melbourne, December 2007
specimen: courtesy of Sara Miranda



Anigozanthos Bush Gems
Bush Pearl
University of Sydney, April 2007



Conostylis argentea
Silver Cottonheads
Perth, September 2007



Conostylis setigera
Bristly Cottonheads
Perth, September 2007