Appias ada
Appias ada
The Caterpillar of this species is bluish-green and covered in small blue tubercles. It has a yellow line along the back. It grows to a length of about 3.5 cms. It feeds only on young shoots of:
- Temple Plant ( Crataeva religiosa, CAPPARACEAE ),
and does not survive if only given older leaves.
The adult butterflies of this species have a wingspan of about 5 cms. The upper surfaces of the fore wings are white, each with a black costa and black spots along the termen. The hind wings are pale yellow with black margins.
The males have a white spot in the black area near the apex.
The undersides of the males and females are very similar. The undersides forewings are white with a black costa. The undersides of the hindwings are yellow with a broad black edge.
The eggs are laid singly on young shoots of a foodplant. They are spindle shaped, and initially white but changing to orange as they near hatching. They have a height of about 0.1 cm.
The species occurs as several subspecies in New Guinea and adjacent islands, and as the subspecies caria in Cape York, Australia.
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