Pear or Cherry Slug
Pear or Cherry Slug
Pear or Cherry Slug
Caliroa cerasi (Linnaeus, 1758)
Don Herbison-Evans
Stella Crossley
(updated 8 May 2010)
(Photo: courtesy of Merlin Crossley)
These are not true Caterpillars or slugs, but are the larvae of a Saw Fly (which is a Wasp, actually!). They are black with a white line, and with a yellow head and tail. They appear to have no legs, and slither about on their food plant, which can be many species from the plant family ROSACEAE :
- Serviceberry ( Amelanchier species ),
- Flowering Quince ( Chaenomeles species ), and
- Cotoneaster ( Cotoneaster species ),
- Hawthorn ( Crataegus species ),
- Quince ( Cydonia oblonga ),
- Cherry ( Prunus avium ),
- Plum ( Prunus domestica ),
- Pear ( Pyrus communis ), and
- Mountain Ash ( Sorbus species ).
They grow to a length of about 1 cm. They pupate in a cell in the soil.
The adult is a little black wasp, with a wingspan of about 1 cm.
The female wasp slits the leaf of a host plant between the upper and lower surfaces and lays the eggs inside the leaf.
The species is found worldwide, for example :
- Chile,
- Canada,
- Finland,
- Germany,
- Italy,
- New Zealand,
- Slovenia,
- South Africa, and
- USA,
as well as in much of Australia, including: - Victoria.
Control has been attempted using :
Further reading :
C. French,
Handbook of the Destructive Insects of Victoria, Victorian Department of Agriculture, Melbourne, 1891, pl. XI, pp. 98-103.