Eudocima jordani
Eudocima jordani
Eudocima jordani (Holland, 1900)
(previously known as : Ophideres jordani)
Jordan’s Fruit Piercing Moth
Don Herbison-Evans
Stella Crossley
The caterpillars of this species feed on:
- Snake Vine ( Tinospora smilacina, MENISPERMACEAE ).
The male moths of this species have subtly patterned dark brown forewings, and bright orange hindwings that have broad black margins and a large black spot in the middle. The wings have scalloped margins, and the forewings have a concave inner margin. The abdomen is orange. The wingspan is about 7 cms.
The females are similar except they have a broad yellow diagonal band across each forwing.
The adult moths are a commercial pest: damaging fruit by piercing the skin to suck juice.
Control of the moths may be possible using:
The moth occurs in
- New Guinea
and in Australia in - Queensland.