Mocis frugalis
These Caterpillars are pale green or yellow, with two black bands behind the thorax. They are missing a pair of ventral prolegs, and so they move in a looper fashion.
The Caterpillars are an agricultural pest on:
The Caterpillars pupate in a cocoon in a twisted leaf.
The adult moth is brown with a diagonal dark line with a pale edge across each forewing.
The adult females appear to have hairy fans beside the head which can be opened.
female with fans extended
(Photo: courtesy ofJohn Stumm)
These fans probably to disperse pheromones to attract males.
close up of the fans
(Photo: courtesy ofJohn Stumm)
The species is found across Africa and Asia, including India, and northern Australia.
Further reading :
J.R. Agnew (ed.), Australian Sugarcane Pests, Bureau of the Sugar Experiment Stations (Indooroopilly) 1997, pp. 54-55.
Ian F.B. Common, Moths of Australia, Melbourne University Press, 1990, pp. 65, 452.