Ophiusa disjungens
Stella Crossley
(updated 5 September 2010)
(Photo: courtesy of Robert Whyte, Brisbane)
The species feeds on various species of MYRTACEAE, including :
- Gum Trees ( Eucalyptus ), and
- Turpentine ( Syncarpia glomulifera ),and is sometimes a pest on :
- Guava ( Psidium guajava ).
The adult moths of this species are purplish-brown, with a dark kidney-shaped mark near the centre of each forewing, and often a purple spot at each forewing tip. Each hindwing has a broad black mark along the margin.
(Photo: courtesy of Robert Whyte, Brisbane) The species occurs as several subspecies over south-east Asia and the south Pacific, including :
Illustration 9, Plate CCXIV of Hampson’s Noctuidae of the British Museum, 1903-1913.
(Courtesy of Joe Kunkel, University of Massachusetts) - Thailand, and
- Tonga (illustration 11: subspecies tongaensis)
as well as in : - New South Wales, and
- Queensland.