Scientific Name: Isopedella flavida

Other Common Names:

Species documented in 1875 by L. Koch.


Formerly Isopeda flavida, this particular species of the common huntsman spider has a body length of approximately 19mm for males and 23mm for females. Including legs, they can span up to 15cm in size.

Approximately 200 eggs are laid, that the female huntsman spider will guard without leaving the area for about three weeks.

Their flat body allows the huntsman spider to slide under loose bark on trees. They are known to venture inside homes to seek shelter, or prefer plants such as ivy.



The bite of this spider is reported to be very painful. It may also induce mild illness and may cause necrotising arachnidism. If bitten, please seek medical advice.

Found in:



University of Southern Queensland, 2002. Find-a-spider Guide. Available from: <>. [Accessed 16th January 2007]